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Rorupurei de Manabu Bijinesu Nihongo Gurobaru Kigyo no Kyaria Kochiku o Mezashite

Business Japanese Study through Role-Plays - Aiming at Building a Career in a Global Enterprise

Here is a 15-chapter text aimed at people who wish to work in Japanese or Japanese-related enterprises. The first half of each chapter begins with the story of a new company entrant and his experience as he matures as a businessperson. Through this, the flow of work in a Japanese company, as well as the type of conversations people have there, are studied. The second half of each chapter has tasks related to the Japanese working environment, allowing the learner to appreciate more deeply differences in culture, and ponder ways to appropriately deal with problems that may arise in such an environment. At the same time, with the use of role-plays the learner can practice activities similar to those in real-world business situations.

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¥ 3.750