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Kaitei-Ban Kiku/Kangaeru/Hanasu Ryugakusei no Tame no Shokyu Nihongo Kaiwa

Listening, Thinking, Talking: Beginner Japanese Conversation for Overseas Students

This is a revised edition of Listening, Thinking, Talking: Beginner Japanese for Overseas Students.

This conversation textbook allows beginner-level students, who tend to be focused on just memorizing things, to also think for themselves while learning by asking themselves such questions as “What do I say in this situation?” “How do I convey what I want to say?” and “How do I answer when I am being spoken to?”

The student gradually learns expressions that are used in situations that oversea students will often be in, especially at universities, and by practicing and building up knowledge of short conversations, the student will become able to have long exchanges with people. In addition, as there are also practices for learners with more time, they can practice more natural conversations.

The conversation and role-play guidance, and explanations of important expressions are translated into English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese.

Main revision points:
The whole book was reviewed with regards to the conversational settings and the appropriateness to life now, and the order of the content and settings was changed. Consequently, the number of lessons was reduced from 21 to 20.
A “Different Situation” section was added to each chapter for students with more spare time for study.
A Vietnamese translation of instructions, explanations of important expressions has been added.
A separate booklet of role-play cards and illustrated cards has been added.
Also comes with a vocabulary list (English, Chinese, Korean and Vietnamese), scripts of the audio content, and a teacher’s guide.

Note: *** Dispatch takes 2 additional  weeks ***


¥ 4.500