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So-Matome N5

So-Matome N5 Kanji, Vocabulary, Grammar, Reading, Listening

The definitive study guide for the JLPT!
The "So-matome" series

Learn the important points of all of the kanji, vocabulary, grammar and listening and reading comprehension that frequently appear on the N5 level JLPT in just one volume!
You'll be able to completely prepare for the JLPT in just 6 weeks.
-Easy-to-follow layout with study material on the right-hand page and practice questions on the left-hand page
-Includes English and Vietnamese translations

❶Reinforces basic knowledge and skills needed for test taking by breaking down study into the fields of grammar, vocabulary, kanji, reading comprehension and listening comprehension.

❷Easy-to-read layout with study material arranged on the left-hand side and practice questions on the right.

Find all of the important points for the kanji, vocabulary, grammar, reading and listening found on the N5 exam in a single textbook! Includes everything you need to get ready for your exam in 6 weeks.


¥ 3.000