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Japanese-Language Proficiency Test Comprehensive Textbook N4

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Go through all items that are expected to appear on the N4 test, primarily by way of various lists separated by area. Confirm the elements that are important to different solutions as you reliably prepare for your exam. A practice test is included.

Review the basics you need to pass, find out where you can improve, and develop an understanding of exam question patterns to study in an efficient manner.

When preparing for the test, one must first have a good idea of its form and content. However, as question content and standards are no longer public since the Japanese-Language Proficiency Test's 2010 revision, the amount of available concrete information has decreased, making it more difficult to prepare for the exam. This makes it especially hard for those without many days left until the test. That is where this book steps in by indicating the expected scope of the test, items one needs to learn, and methods for preparation, acting as a baseline reference for test readiness.

This volume has worked to put kanji, vocabulary, sentence patterns, basic listening and reading comprehension expressions and more into lists to provide more concrete learning targets. Figure out for yourself your own level of learning and your areas for improvement as you steadily gain the knowledge required to pass the exam.

In "Question Patterns and Keys to Answers," you can get a better idea of tips that will be helpful to you from a practical test-taking perspective in order to increase your score. The level of the test is carefully considered throughout the volume so that you can effectively raise your level of knowledge with no efforts going to waste. Finally, the book includes one practice test that you can use to gauge your level.




¥ 3.625