Sushi Handbook in English
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SUSHI Handbook in English/Japanese *from beginner to expert, how to eat, manner, historym etc
Chapter 1 : Three things you should know before eating sushi
寿司とは? What is sushi?
寿司の食べ方 How to eat sushi
寿司屋で定番のテーブルセット Common table setting at a sushi restaurant
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
寿司の歴史 History of sushi
Chapter 2 : Lets taste delicious sushi
◆赤身 AKAMI Red flesh fish
鮪 大トロ Tuna, Bluefin tuna otoro
鮪 中トロ Tuna, Bluefin tuna chutoro
鮪 赤身 Tuna, Bluefin tuna akami
鰹 Bonito, Skipjack, Oceanic bonito
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
鮪のいろは ABCs of maguro
◆白身 SHIROMI White fish
平目 Japanese flounder
真鯛 Red sea bream
縞鯵 Striped jack, white trevally
鰤 Japanese amberjack
勘八 Great amberjack
甘鯛 Tilefish
鱸 Japanese sea bass
皮剥 Threadsail filefish
鱚 Sillago
鯒 Flathead
眞子鰈 Marbled flounder
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
出世魚って何? What is shusseuo?
◆光り物 HIKARIMONO Silver-skinned fish
鯵 Horse mackerel
鯖 Mackerel
小鰭 Mid-sized konoshiro gizzard shad
秋刀魚 Pacific saury
針魚 Japanese halfbeak
春日子 Young sea bream
鰯 Sardine
白魚 Japanese ice fish
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
握り寿司の始まり The origins of nigiri-zushi
◆イカ・タコ IKA/TAKO Squid/Octopus
障泥烏賊 Bigfin reef squid
墨烏賊 Japanese spineless cuttlefish
槍烏賊 Spear squid
蛸 Octopus
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
シャリ(酢飯) Shari (Sumeshi)
◆エビ EBI Prawn
車海老 Japanese tiger prawn, Kuruma prawn
甘海老 Deep-water shrimp
牡丹海老 Botan shrimp
縞海老 Morotoge shrimp
蝦蛄 Squilla
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
山葵 Wasabi (Japanese horseradish)
◆貝類 KAI Shell fish
鮑 Abalone
蛤 Common orient clam
平貝 Razor clam
赤貝 Ark shell
海松貝 Pacific gaper, Geoduck clam
北寄貝 Sakhalin surf clam
青柳 Surf clam
小柱 KOBASHIRA of surf clam
鳥貝 Cockle
帆立 Scallop
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi
江戸前寿司に使う醤油 The soy sauce used in Edomae-zushi
◆その他 Others
穴子 Sea eel
海胆 Sea urchin
イクラ Salmon roe
玉子 Egg
数の子 Herring roe
太巻き Thick roll
干瓢巻き Gourd strip roll
鉄火巻き Tuna roll
カッパ巻き Cucumber roll
沢庵巻き Pickled roll
ちらし寿司 Assorted sashimi on rice
海外で人気の寿司ネタ Sushi toppings popular outside of Japan
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】 Interesting facts about sushi
魚の旬 The best season for each fish
◆寿司屋の料理 Dish of the sushi restaurant
【寿司を楽しむ豆知識】Interesting facts about sushi :
回転寿司 Kaiten-zushi
Chapter 3 : Getting to know sushi more deeply
寿司屋での振る舞い Sushi etiquette
寿司の握り方 How sushi is molded
寿司屋での会話 Conversation at a sushi restaurant
寿司屋用語 Words often used in a sushi restaurant
主な日本の産地 Japan's Main Fishing Areas
旬カレンダーリスト Seasonal calender