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BJT Bijinesu Nihongo Noryoku Tesuto Chokai - Chodokkai Jitsuryok

BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test - Listening and Reading Comprehension

A set of two practical workbooks (228/32 Pages) including two CDs for those wanting to take the BJT Business Japanese Proficiency Test\\'s JLRT (Japanese Listening & Reading Test). With the particular aim of the learner being able to do Part 1, Listening Comprehension and Part 2, Combined Listening and Reading Comprehension of the JLRT, it allows the learner to practice the various types of questions found in the actual test. Through reading and analyzing the questions, the learner grasps how to study and solve them more effectively. A separate list of honorific expressions and essential business words and expressions is appended to the book, making this workbook a great way to improve the learner\\'s business skills.


¥ 4.250