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Nihongo Bunpo Enshu - Hanashite no Kimochi o Arawasu Hyogen

Expressions Indicating the Speaker's Feelings

The purpose of the Nihongo Sogo Enshu series is to organize and explain grammar in an easy-to-understand manner and have the learner practice how to use it, thereby ensuring he/she uses advanced-level Japanese appropriately. The learner follows a process of discovering a grammar rule while solving a problem, and then confirming the usage through practice. Finally, the learner does comprehensive practice as a summary of what has been learnt.

Using modal expressions and sentence final particles correctly is difficult even for advanced students of Japanese. With the aim of clearing up such difficulties, this text classifies related expressions and gives their basic meanings as well as shows the differences in meanings between similar expressions. By enabling the learner to understand the basic meaning and different usage of such expressions, the learner can correctly use such expressions according to the situation. The book is also an invaluable reference material for those in the Japanese language education field.

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¥ 3.000