Nihongo Bunpo Enshu - Jidoshi/Tadoshi
Transitive & Intransitive Verbs and Causative & Passive Voice
The purpose of the Nihongo Sogo Enshu series is to organize and explain grammar in an easy-to-understand manner and have the learner practice how to use it, thereby ensuring he/she uses advanced-level Japanese appropriately. The learner follows a process of discovering a grammar rule while solving a problem, and then confirming the usage through practice. Finally, the learner does comprehensive practice as a summary of what has been learnt.
This book deals with transitive and intransitive verbs, as well as the causative and passive voice, and allows the learner to grasp the basic structure, meaning and function of these verbs and verb forms, as well as learn how to use them within context and differentiate between the uses of similar expressions.
Note: *** Dispatch takes 2 additional weeks ***