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(Kaitei-ban) Nihongo Bunpo Enshu - Kotogara no Kankei o Arawasu Hyogen

Expressions Related to Specific Situations - Complex Sentences

The purpose of the Nihongo Sogo Enshu series is to organize and explain grammar in an easy-to-understand manner and have the learner practice how to use it, thereby ensuring he/she uses advanced-level Japanese appropriately. The learner follows a process of discovering a grammar rule while solving a problem, and then confirming the usage through practice. Finally, the learner does comprehensive practice as a summary of what has been learnt.

Here is a book that allows the learner to discover the rules governing advanced-level complex sentences while at the same time showing them the subtle differences in usage according to the situation. It is also a useful reference for those engaged in Japanese language education.

Note: *** Dispatch takes 2 additional  weeks ***


¥ 3.000