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Chukyu Reberu Rorupurei de Manabu Bijinesu Nihongo

Intermediate-Level Business Japanese Study through Role-Plays - From Job Hunting to Joining a Company

Fostering basic Japanese language ability for job hunting and starting a new job in Japan
Through tasks such as role plays and discussions, this book trains the learner to function in Japanese while job hunting and starting work. The first half of the book is for students, and covers scenes related to job hunting and job interview preparation; the second half is for new company employees, and covers scenes related to starting at a company and having been there for a few months. On top of the role plays, and discussions, the learner will also learn sentence patterns and expressions frequently used in business as well as gain knowledge and insights into job hunting and Japanese corporate culture.

Note: *** Dispatch takes 2 additional  weeks ***


¥ 3.400