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(Shintei-Ban) Yomu Toreningu Kisohen Nihon Ryugaku Shiken Taio

Reading Training for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students Lower Intermediate - Revised Edition

This is a newly revised edition of Reading Training for the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students, a text for lower intermediate Japanese language students.

Divided into three parts, Part 1 is divided into five sections dealing with various strategies for comprehending a text. Part 2 uses the strategies covered in Part 1, so that the user can practice reading texts, and in Part 3 texts and questions in the format of the Examination for Japanese University Admission for International Students are provided. Covers various types of texts such as advertising leaflets, notices, tables, newspaper articles, letters, e-mail, essays, statements, editorials, etc., and also a wide range of topics, from those close to students as observed in daily life to those in specialized fields, like social issues, education, language, culture, international affairs, and the environment. The included explanations are translated into English, Chinese, Korean and now Vietnamese.

After finishing this book, the student can continue onto middle-to-upper intermediate reading training with the second book in the series.

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