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Nihongo de Hataraku! Bijinesu Nihongo 30 Jikan

Working with Your Japanese: Business Japanese in 30 Hours

This is a text for business people who wish to be able to communicate in Japanese in business situations within a brief period of time. The book covers various business situations to allow the learner to build up his/her communication ability, enhance working relations and conduct business smoothly. Each chapter begins with a warm-up quiz, followed by the presentation of expressions and vocabulary, and after studying the functions of short, core dialogues, everything is brought together in role-play conversations. The meaning and function of important sentence patterns and expressions are confirmed in review sections. With many illustrations in each chapter, studying is enjoyable, and within a short period of time the learner will have acquired an appropriate business manner and the ability to express himself/herself suitably in various situations.

Comes with all the vocabulary translated into English, Chinese and Korean.
Written in kanji and kana, with furigana readings


¥ 4.250