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Kaitei Ban Topikku niyoru Nihongo Sogo Enshu - Te-ma kara Happyo e - Chukyu Koki

Kaitei Ban Topikku niyoru Nihongo Sogo Enshu - Te-ma kara Happyo e - Chukyu Koki

Comprehensive Japanese Practice through Specific Topics - From Identifying Themes to Making Presentations - Upper Intermediate - Revised Edition

A revised edition of this long-selling book, new data has been put together in each chapter and material revised in the written sections.

This book was devised to build up the learner's skills in Japanese through the learner gathering information, distributing information, analysing survey results, and finally making presentations. The learner therefore not only hones his/her Japanese language skills but his/her ability to analyse and make presentations on information from various sources.

Major revisions to the book:
1. The graphs in all chapters have been revised and updated.
2. Chapter 3 Komyunikeshon: To meet the current situation, the content of this section has been completely updated.
3. Chapter 4 Mukashibanashi: Part of the reading material has been revised.
4. 'Chosa・Happyo no Tame no Tebiki': Alterations have been made.




¥ 3.250