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Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I, 2.Auflage, Übersetzungen & Grammatikalische Erklärungen, Birmanische Version

BIRMANISCH, Übersetzungen & Grammatikalische Erklärungen, 2. Auflage

This is the translation and grammar notes to be used with Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Dai 2-Han Honsatsu (Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Second Edition - Main Text). Changes in vocabulary and to the text in the second edition of the main text have been incorporated into this book. Each chapter has the following sections: Vocabulary; Translation of the Sentence Patterns, Example Sentences and Conversation; and Grammar Explanation.

Note: *** Dispatch takes 2 additional  weeks ***


¥ 3.750