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Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I, 2. Auflage, Kanji (Vietnamesische Version)

Kanji I Vietnamische Version, 2. Auflage

This kanji textbook is designed for use with Minna no Nihongo Shokyu I Second Edition Main Text. With this book, the learner studies how to use, read and write kanji through the concept of learning via the use of known words in familiar contexts, rather than by simply memorising kanji and learning how to write them.

A total of 536 kanji are studied in the two books in this series (220 kanji in this book one and 316 in book two), covering the kanji required for the N5 and N4 levels of the Japanese Language Proficiency Test and some of the kanji required for the N3 level.

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¥ 3.375